A product or service finally values on what it delivers to the customer. Our online solutions 'TROM', 'CROM' and 'DROM' has unique qualities inbuilt to deliver the best to the users.


Technology integration makes TROM (Trademark Registration & Online Manaagement), CROM (Copyright Registration & Online Manaagement) and DROM (Industrial Design Registration & Online Manaagement) a smart product. It functions on any SMART technology device including your smart phone.


Package of legal services by specialized law firm for trademark, copyright and Industrial design combined with online life-cycle management make TROM, CROM and DROM an all-inclusive-package.


Seamless easiness is brought in by our online products through it’s user-friendly features and automated deliveries.


Our technology driven, quality management systems do aggregate, organize, save, secure, deliver and retrieve information about your trademarks, copyrights or Industrial designs which you need from time to time.


Trademark management that stay beyond generations is a long term intelligent plan, comes with TROM. So is our other online product CROM and DROM for copyright and industrial design.


The convenience of using a product matters the most. TROM, CROM or DROM is an easy to use system with its user-friendly features, available 24 x 7, anywhere. One of our business managers flared about its’ usage- “pocket your IPR wherever you go”.

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