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Did you spot a bear on the Toblerone mountain?

 For a second, close your eyes and toss your mind to remember the different shapes of chocolates you can memorize; round, rectangular, square, cylindrical… what more? … Do you remember a chocolate of mountain-shape? Yes, that’s Toblerone, a unique concept established

Pampers for the baby’s day-out

   Awww, the charming lady, carrying the baby, felt awkward when her arms were wet with the so-called ‘nature’s call’ of the kid. Well, “the baby likes you”; comes a voice from behind and everyone laughed it away. But, can you

Johnson & Johnson: It isn’t a logo, it’s a sign

    Across the globe, for mothers, ‘Johnson & Johnson’ is the second most recognized ‘word’ after ‘baby’.  And, wide-spread Johnson & Johnson logo is a design influenced from someone’s signature.  He is James Wood Johnson, one of the founders

The medicine turned soft drink!

Remember the ‘open happiness’ campaign? Who does not! It is Coca-Cola! Open the lid and happiness bubbles out.  This bottled happiness is shared around the world for 125 years.   Throughout the years the coco-cola trademark had interesting changes in its

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