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PRADA: making fashion looks more fashionable

  For the lifestyle of today, maintaining an image is important. The way you carry yourself speak a lot about your persona. And, to maintain an admissible image, it is important to remain in trend, that is, right fashion of

ZARA: the brand with a fashion statement

When you think of a world class brand for fashion freaks, what comes in your mind? Plenty of photographs and articles published in lifestyle magazines, sensual models parading amazing cloths on catwalk, advertising in posh locations… what not to penetrate the

Volkswagen: The People’s Car

  Once upon a time, there used to be cars manufactured only for riches in the society. A man then wanted to make the cars a common commodity for average citizens. That was Adolf Hitler. During 1930s, an average German

Starbucks: story of the enticing mermaid

  Every sip had a magic sprinkled in it. Sitting at the elegantly designed dark wooden table, I took a sip of the coffee. The aroma was enticing, the texture was perfect and the coffee mug has this mysterious looking

Nike: Foot for thought!

The whole month of January was so easy on me until when my mom found out that I have gained 5 Kgs. To inspire me run, jog and play basket ball in the just-cleaned backyard, she did everything she could.

How fast is the propeller spinning in the BMW logo?

When the Bayerische Motoren Werke (pronounced as Bavarian Motor Works in English) logo passes by, the thought about a much-talked topic raises up.  The sky blue color with white quarters in it signifies two vital aspects, mentioned the Executive Board

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