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Wikipedia: the world of words over the world wide web

Do you think the history has any indication towards our future? However, history ought to have a detailed knowledge on our roots. Curiousness like when, why, what, who and which have been the most frequent sparks in the human mind. Then

Twitter: Aww! the bird has grown big, haven’t you noticed?

Have you heard of Twitter? ‘Of course’ will be your answer. It is not just because Twitter is a social networking site, or a hub of communication, it’s its brand that pulled us on the twitter platform. Be it a

Facebook: the story of a billion dollar faces and a billion likes!

For many, it’s common that while working on desktop, the Facebook is open in one of the tabs. If you are just fiddling on mobile, you just might habitually flip to came in acquaintance with the news feed in your Facebook home

Amazon, smiles all around the globe

Amazon is an awesome brand that signifies creativity, innovation and consumer delight. It carries the passion for what they are and what they believe to do. What is it that attracted you when you first witnessed this modest logo? Of

Yahoo!: the brand with a surprised-face!

  If you are an early day internet user, you could recall and remember the early 90s when everyone owned a Yahoo ID and seemed lost forever in the Yahoo Messenger Chat Rooms! Yahoo! has come a long way from

Hotmail: Still hot?

 You’ve got HoTMaiL, the HTML! Hotmail was one of the first webmail services on the internet. The only rival for its services was ‘RocketMail’, that later on transformed as ‘Yahoo! Mail’. Way back in 1996, Hotmail was launched by Sabeer Bhatia

“Google”: Is it all by a spelling mistake?

 The greatest asset of Google is its mutating logo! What? Why? How? Where? When? Don’t know the answer for a question on your mind? Google it! Google has become the air we breathe in search of information. It is the

ebay: The brand that taught the word ‘trust’ on internet

 Can I buy a jet over internet? eBay says “Yes we did it in 2001!” eBay had sold a Gulfstream II aircraft for $ 4.9 million. The jet was sold by the largest jet dealer at that time, Tyler Jet.

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