Cadbury: taste the pure purple pleasure

  Drops of chocolaty bliss flow down the lips and fingers of the child, she was enjoying every drop. This is a common scene each of us has partnered at many a celebration times. These are the moments Cadbury had

SBI: a global brand from the heart of India

  India celebrates her independence. In 1947 India got freedom from British colonial ruling. 15th of August is the Independence Day of the largest democracy in the world; India.  Having about 1,00,000 years of history, India has given a lot to

Android: story of a playful robot

  On a sunny day in 2010, a six year old daughter along with her mother was in a crowded theater to watch the movie ‘Alice in wonderland’. The opening credits were scrolling down and all of a sudden the movie

Amazon, smiles all around the globe

Amazon is an awesome brand that signifies creativity, innovation and consumer delight. It carries the passion for what they are and what they believe to do. What is it that attracted you when you first witnessed this modest logo? Of

Did you spot a bear on the Toblerone mountain?

 For a second, close your eyes and toss your mind to remember the different shapes of chocolates you can memorize; round, rectangular, square, cylindrical… what more? … Do you remember a chocolate of mountain-shape? Yes, that’s Toblerone, a unique concept established

Starbucks: story of the enticing mermaid

  Every sip had a magic sprinkled in it. Sitting at the elegantly designed dark wooden table, I took a sip of the coffee. The aroma was enticing, the texture was perfect and the coffee mug has this mysterious looking

Qantas: flights for the flying kangaroos

  Summer is round the corner! The cold fresh-lime-soda isn’t really cold enough! When I was flipping the list of options to spend the summer this year, Australia came into my mind. Just like any other budget being, I tried

Pampers for the baby’s day-out

   Awww, the charming lady, carrying the baby, felt awkward when her arms were wet with the so-called ‘nature’s call’ of the kid. Well, “the baby likes you”; comes a voice from behind and everyone laughed it away. But, can you

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